New York City

When traveling for business or leisure, everyone wants the “VIP” experience. Booking a flight can be tedious enough, let alone managing travel arrangements at your target destination. However, here at Avstar, we strive to provide our clients service with unparalleled class and efficiency. You take your travel seriously, and so do we. Unlike those rent-a-car [...]

By | March 22nd, 2018|Uncategorized|Comments Off on New York City

The Long-Haul Flight Survival Guide

You’ve made it! You trekked all the way to your local airport, checked-in to your flight, navigated security and waited patiently for your plane to arrive at the departure gate. Sitting in your seat is an accomplishment on its own, now what? The journey has just begun and you still have a long way to [...]

By | March 2nd, 2018|Uncategorized|Comments Off on The Long-Haul Flight Survival Guide

Changing ID Requirements for Travel 2018

  Along with the new year, a few changes to airline travel standards are coming into effect that may or may not hinder your travel plans. The Department of Homeland Security issued an announcement that starting January 22, 2018 there will be the enforcement of “REAL ID” at all airport security checkpoints. This stems from [...]

By | January 23rd, 2018|Corporate Ground Transportation NYC, Executive Air Travel, Executive Ground Transportation, Executive Ground Transportation NYC, General, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Changing ID Requirements for Travel 2018

Taxing Uber & Lyft

New York City is one of the major hubs for information, travel, and business. Along with its prominence as a massive urban center comes with the burden of various problems regarding infrastructure management. One problem New York City is facing today is street congestion. The increased level of street traffic has resulted in longer travel [...]

By | January 3rd, 2018|General, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Taxing Uber & Lyft

“Beating the Buzz”

.   5 Tips to Stay Safe During the Holidays   It’s the time of year especially set aside for families to come together and spend time with those who are only able to see each other once every year. But the holidays aren’t just about family, they’re about fun too! Alcohol and the Holidays [...]

By | December 28th, 2017|General, Uncategorized|Comments Off on “Beating the Buzz”

Happy Holiday Travel Tips to Make Your Life Easier

With the holiday season quickly approaching, many travelers rely on air transportation whether it be executive aircraft charter or commercial to visit their relatives at home and aboard. Congested security lines and overcrowded airport terminals are just some of the reasons travel during this time of the year can become a major headache. Holiday travel [...]

By | December 20th, 2017|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Happy Holiday Travel Tips to Make Your Life Easier

5 Best Places to Vacation With Family and Friends Before Summer 17 Ends

Summer 17 is more than half way gone, so before you miss your opportunity to have some well needed R&R, get your budget right and book your getaway today. To help you narrow down your scope of potential vacation destinations, Avstar, an executive and corporate ground transportation company in New York City, weighed a variety [...]

By | August 15th, 2017|General|Comments Off on 5 Best Places to Vacation With Family and Friends Before Summer 17 Ends

5 Reasons Why Executives Choose Corporate Ground Transportation Services

Ask any executive about how hectic their business travel schedule can be. From important meetings abroad to national roadshows, it can be a grueling task to coordinate an entire itinerary. Executives expect a smooth, comfortable and safe trip to any given destination. They often rely on expert ground transportation companies to make sure that their [...]

By | May 17th, 2017|Corporate Ground Transportation NYC, Executive Ground Transportation, Executive Ground Transportation NYC, Uncategorized|Comments Off on 5 Reasons Why Executives Choose Corporate Ground Transportation Services

Common Business Travel Expenses You Won’t Want to Forget to Deduct On Your Tax Return

Traveling for work can be a lot of fun. You get to meet new people, have exciting experiences, and it certainly beats being cooped up in the office all day long. But, despite how much you may enjoy traveling for business, it can get pretty pricey. If you’re truly business savvy, you’ll write off some [...]

By | March 28th, 2017|Executive Air Travel, General|Comments Off on Common Business Travel Expenses You Won’t Want to Forget to Deduct On Your Tax Return

Top 10 Songs That Need to Be On Your Flight Travel Playlist

You’re leaving on a jet plane, and though you probably know when you’re going to be back again, you don’t know who’s going to be sitting in the next seat and what sounds you are going to have to put up with. From crying babies, snoring, to the incessant small talk of the person sitting [...]

By | March 28th, 2017|Executive Air Travel|Comments Off on Top 10 Songs That Need to Be On Your Flight Travel Playlist